Try not using "ex-farts"

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...since it means nothing to anyone. And, don't worry, the BRICS are solid, with or without US opinion which has daily less and less standing on the planet.

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That's an interesting point. While BRICS undoubtedly has an impact, many so-called analysts still use buzzwords and oversimplify things to gain views. It's a bit ironic that these so-called experts are creating more confusion than clarity. Unfortunately, not everyone sees past this narrative, and all the hype can make it hard to see the true strengths of BRICS for what they are. Even if it's rock solid, people get caught up in online drama.

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The authority on BRICS is Ben Norton who presents his information and insights on his Geopolitical Economy report you can see on YouTube. He is extremely intelligent.

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We have known him for a long time and follow his work closely, but to be honest sometimes even he does not report correct information. What is different between him and others is that it is clear to him that his “errors” are the result of biased sources, perhaps not from within a BRICS country, whereas the other YT “experts” know full well that they are spreading false information and ban comments that try to tell the real story. Ben is an honest human being who can make mistakes like us, but we have great respect for him and are also trying to get an interview on our channel.

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No India isn’t in BRICS is it? BRICS is Goldstein’s secret surrogate! India wouldn’t go there at all. 2+2=5! If you talk about Brazil then you’ve to talk about Goldstein’s secret marriage to Roussef.

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BRICS doesn’t need a common currency and I doubt it will ever get one. Trading in state’s own currencies will suffice for a long time…

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